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Plantae Lover

Radermachera Sinica in Hexa Pot

Regular price RM159.90 MYR
Regular price Sale price RM159.90 MYR
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Radermachera sinica, or China Doll plant is a fairly new houseplant that has become very popular and widely available. This plant is like a tree, with attractive, glossy, mid-green leaves divided into leaflets. It remains fairly compact and it’s easy to look after. 

approx. height plant with pot: ~50cm

pot material: ceramic  

color: white matte


  • Light: Medium to bright indirect sunlight
  • Water: Water when the top inch soil is completely dry by dip your finger in the soil, Water well and then allow the soil to thoroughly dry out before watering again.
  • Humidity: Basic household humidity

**this is a potted plant, the pot has drainage hole, water moderately to avoid overwatering